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Blessings for Christmas
Use these blessings at home for your Christmas tree and your presents!
Blessing of a Christmas Tree
God our creator, we praise you for this Christmas tree, gift of the earth and sign of your evergreen presence. As we illumine this tree, let your blessing come upon us. Send us your Son, the tender branch of Jesse, who brings us light and life. May we who stand in its light eagerly welcome the true Light that never fades. All glory be yours now and forever. Amen.
Blessing of Gifts
Blessed be your name, O God; you are the source of every blessing. From your hand we receive the good gifts of life, health, and salvation. As we give and receive these presents, bless us with hearts thankful for the gift of your Son and lead us to share from our abundance with those in need. We ask this through Christ our Savior. Amen.
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