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Special Congregational Meeting

Sun, Aug 29



To hold an election for the next pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church

Registration is Closed
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Special Congregational Meeting
Special Congregational Meeting

Time & Location

Aug 29, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Hauppauge, 860 Townline Rd, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA

About the event


Time: 10 am worship service (meeting to follow immediately after worship)

Purpose: To hold an election for the next pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church (Note there is only one service for this Sunday; service to be led by and sermon given by pastoral candidate)

Member participation/vote to be in-person and hybrid:

Please RSVP how you will participate, by calling Pat at the church office at 631-724-3886 or by email to Pat at by August 17th.

Give your full name and choice of one of the following:

[ ] In-person (via anonymous written ballot)

[ ] Zoom (via anonymous online poll) Your Email address: ______________

[ ] Phone call (you will be contacted by a staff person from the Bishop’s office at the time of the vote) Your phone number: _________________________


Your Congregation Council, at a specially called council meeting on July 25, reviewed and approved the Call Committee’s recommendations:

a. to nominate, for the congregation’s approval, a pastoral candidate they had extensively interviewed, heard preach at a neighboring congregation, and unanimously recommended

b. to seek the congregation’s approval of the agreed-upon compensation and benefits package for the pastoral candidate

c. to call a special meeting of the congregation for the sole purpose of electing the pastoral candidate and approving the recommended compensation and benefits package

The Bishop’s office was advised of these actions whereupon the Bishop’s office selected a representative to attend the Special Congregational Meeting on August 29, to preside over the election of the pastoral candidate. A two-thirds majority vote, via in-person or hybrid, is required by the attendees at the specially called meeting to elect

the pastoral candidate and to approve the recommended 2021 compensation and benefits package. There will be a single vote on the election of the pastor and the compensation package—no other business will be conducted at the meeting August 29, 2021.

Information Concerning the Pastoral Candidate’s Identity

To retain the confidentiality of the recommended pastor’s identity within that pastor’s current congregation, synod protocols do not permit the Congregation Council to reveal the identity of the nominated pastor until the weekend of the Special Congregational Meeting.

The congregation will have the opportunity to meet the nominated pastor and the pastor’s spouse at a special social function to be held at 4 pm on Saturday, August 28, 2021, at Calvary Lutheran Church.

General Information About the Pastoral Candidate

A general description of the nominated candidate to become the next pastor follows:

● Loves worship and crafting a thoughtful liturgy that involves the whole community. ● Loves teaching and its ability to stoke questions in others that drive them to dive deeper into their faith.

● Loves pastoral care, visitation of members and outside the church walls in public.

● Has an eye for design in media and communications to help extend our visual identity to our neighbors.

● Loves outdoor ministry and the freedom of expression, the joy, the honesty, and the living faith experienced, that can only benefit the church!

It is important that all voting members of the congregation attend this service or participate online to see and hear the candidate preside and preach the sermon. The call committee has spent many hours to find a candidate that they feel would be the best fit for all of us here at Calvary. The council has also met with the candidate and agrees that the Synod has blessed us with a candidate that will lead us into the future in a very positive way. It is now in the hands of the congregation to decide and vote whether we feel this candidate is the next spiritual leader of Calvary Lutheran Church. If you have received this letter, you are considered a voting member of Calvary, and it is important for you to attend the meeting, and vote.

To qualify to be a voting member at this meeting, you must have been officially received as a member, participated in worship, and given an offering within the last year.

Yours in Christ,

Laura Jean Aupperle, Congregation Council President

Bob Munder and Bob LaRocco, Co-Call Committee Chairs

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860 Townline Road, Hauppauge, NY
(631) 724-2886
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM
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