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Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week is the most important week in the life of the church. We witness, in real time, the betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, for us, today.
Palm Sunday
March 24, 10:00 AM
The week starts as we gather outside our building. We lift palms up hight, shout “hosanna,” and remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday
March 28, 7:30 PM
An extended time of forgiveness, footwashing, and the sharing of Holy Communion make way for a dramatic change in tone as the altar is stripped and we mark Jesus’ betrayal.
Good Friday
March 29, 7:30 PM
This quiet, meditative night allows us to focus on the glory of the cross. Though we acknowledge the death of Jesus, we celebrate our redemption found in God’s love.

Vigil of Easter
March 30, 7:30 PM
This is the night we celebrate Christ’s passage from death to life. We begin outside with fire, hear stories by candlelight, and sing the first “alleluias” of Easter!
Resurrection of Our Lord
March 31, 10:00 AM
We celebrate Easter with a festival service of Holy Communion, remembering the way God shows up in the resurrected Christ, in the midst of our lives wherever we are!

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