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Exerpts from the Newsletter

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Alleluia, Christ is risen!
Ahead of Holy Week, I read and shared this on Facebook from a colleague:
“When you hear clergy strongly encourage you to attend the services of Holy Week, especially the Great Three Days (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil), it’s not just because they like to see more people in the pews, or it’s good for their egos, or they want parishioners to see how much effort goes into these liturgies.
“It’s because they believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the transforming power of the Christian faith. It’s because they love you and want nothing more than for you to have such a moving encounter with our Lord, that it will change your life. It’s an invitation rooted in profound love, and a recognition that there is lit-erally nothing more important in the entire world than to participate fully as we collectively journey from the “Upper Room to Calvary to the Empty Tomb.”
And let me just say: all of that is true! It was a joy witnessing so many of you enter into the story of Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and resurrection last week. The world and each of us is different knowing the promise of life God has for us. And yes, I do love you and want nothing more than abundant life for each of you!
At a time when so many say “the Church is dying,” this Holy Week is another reminder to me of the life God gives in the face of that, and how, despite the changing role of Church in people’s lives, there continues to be a need for us to proclaim the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and the power such news has for our world.
So happy Easter dear ones, and thank you for your strong witness to the heart of our faith this year! May your days be filled with resurrection hope!
Pastor Zach ☩

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