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Exerpts from the Newsletter

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New Year Greetings!
2025?! Maybe you’ve wondered that along with me. Yes, it is 2025 and with it another year gone. Time has been on my mind since Ana and I welcomed Lily into our lives. We have a mug that says, “the days are long but the years are short,” and while I’m never one to deny a mug with a saying on it, I never expected a mug to offer such words of truth.
There’s two types of time, though. Chronos time is what we’re most familiar with. This is the chronological time we use to keep track of dates and times for meetings and appointments and get togethers and schedules. It’s the time that seems to fly by: When I schedule a meeting two months out, it feels like it’s only the blink of an eye before that meeting arrives. Yet day by day, it seems like it’s taking a while.
The other kind of time is the one I strive to focus on (not always successfully). That sort of time is Kairos time. Kairos is from the Greek word for “time” or “moment.” It’s not a time found on a clock or a time we can pencil in on a calendar. This is God’s time, the time which finds the right moment for God to act in our midst.
As Church, we do our best when we are tuned in to Kairos time God’s time asking things like, “What would God have us do next?” or “What is God’s mission for us today?” We’ve done a good job discerning together the answers to that in our congregation’s goals. Soon is the time to make greater steps towards them.
All in good time,
Pastor Zach +


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